Exposició feta en col·laboració amb Fernando Marzá.
Guillermo Zuaznábar i l’Associació Ikertze.
Disseny gràfic: Salvador Saura, Ramón Torrente
Laboratory of chalks, laboratory of ideas. Workshop of light. Container of shadow. A place from which to observe conjectures. A place to amass intuitions. A place to empty out the unnecessary. A place to work. A place to live. A place for change and exchange. A place for education and play. An aerie from which to perceive movement. A space in which the time of solitude and silence flows. A time of craving and desire. A present tense of uncertain direction. A laboratory, a workshop or, simply, a home. A space and time of permanence. Of recognition of what has been done. A catapult to what is to come. Chalks and slates. The hidden landscape of the statues of Jorge Oteiza. Chalks and slates. Handrails to his texts. The destination of an uninterrupted artistic search. A point of departure for the fortunate spectator who happens upon his work. Chalks and slates. This is the legacy of a poet-sculptor who passes us a baton that is both material and invisible. Chalks to guide man’s hand to the depths of his imagination. Slates on which to give nascent thoughts their just form. Paths of light and memory in shadow. Oteiza's chalk laboratory is the fruit of a conquest. A personal conquest extended to us as a challenge. A door opened onto freedom and creation that admits no excuses. Slates and chalks. Black planes that greet the white dust with subtlety and firmness. Black slate. Pure void. Container of the infinite. White of chalk. O of Oteiza. Black, white, gray, and red.